Steigern Sie Ihren Hotelumsatz und verbessern Sie Ihre Online-Präsenz

With RegiÔtels’ support, hotel owners can increase their overall online sales, benefit from a personalised marketing strategy for their hotel, and improve their website’s online visibility.

Revenue Management

Pricing Strategy ∙ Channel Manager & Booking Engine Setup ∙ Monthly Performance Reports


OTA Connection & Management ∙ Online Sales ∙ Diversified Booking Channels

Digitales Marketing

Website Management & SEO for Hotels ∙ Multi-platform Marketing Strategy ∙ Online Advertisement

Get in touch to find out how we can help your hotel thrive

    Some results from our clients

    Fallstudie 1

    A 20-room hotel in Luxembourg had an increase of 94% in revenue in 2022 compared to 2019.

    Fallstudie 5

    RegiÔtels helped a Belgian hotel with 14 rooms increase revenue by 77%.
