Vende al precio correcto, a la persona correcta, en el momento correcto
Increase your average daily rate, occupancy, and revenue with our team of experts.

The importance of Revenue Management for hotels
For decades, large hotel chains have invested heavily in Revenue Management, gaining significant competitive advantages over boutique hotels. RegiÔtels offers you the opportunity to leverage the same services and methodologies for your business.
By combining dynamic pricing strategies with demand forecasting, we help your hotel sell more rooms at more profitable rates, ensuring consistent business throughout the year.
More bookings
With our team’s expertise and decades of experience in revenue management, we help drive more demand to your property. We use a combination of actions to increase your occupancy and drive more bookings, such as analyzing new customer segments, implementing last-minute booking incentives, and optimizing your booking engine for direct reservations.
More profits
Our revenue managers focus not only on increasing occupancy but also on selling rooms at more profitable rates, increasing the length of stays, and promoting package deals. This allows you to increase revenue without adding more work for you and your team.
More predictability
Our Revenue Management experts analyse demand forecasts to implement actions to drive early bookings and secure better or similar occupancy levels based on your hotel’s historical data. We help your hotel operate smoothly, reducing the impact of seasonal fluctuations or sudden demand changes.
RegiÔtels’ all-inclusive approach to gestión de ingresos hoteleros
A huge range of data goes into setting your optimal price, from visitors to your website, feeder markets to your region, previous trends, competitor data, and much more. RegiÔtels helps hotels outsource revenue management by combining experience, tools and data. We optimise your revenue strategy and online distribution, freeing you up to develop new client-facing offers and reducing the workload on your internal team.
Estrategia de precios
Calendarios de demanda dinámicos
Nuestros calendarios de demanda continuos proporcionan a los hoteleros análisis periódicos de datos que ayudan a optimizar las acciones planificadas del hotel. Utilizando información basada en datos, podemos ajustar las tarifas para mantener la competitividad, atraer a los huéspedes adecuados en función de los datos estacionales y maximizar el potencial de reservas de tu hotel.
Integración de motor de reservas
Análisis de reputación
Análisis de datos e informes
Optimización de paquetes
RegiÔtels proporciona a los hoteles asistencia experta para evaluar, planificar y crear paquetes atractivos que satisfagan las necesidades de los huéspedes. Esto incluye la realización de estudios de mercado, el análisis del comportamiento de los clientes y el desarrollo de paquetes personalizados que se adaptan al público específico de un hotel.
No hay nada como un verdadero equipo de expertos en gestión de ingresos y distribución en línea.
Habla con un experto
Si tiene más preguntas, entra en contacto aquí para hablar con un experto.
Cooperación transparente
Nuestro servicio es 100% transparente para que siempre sepas cuál es tu posición y cómo trabajamos.
Lo que dicen nuestros sócios