Case Studies

Below are six case studies for you to discover how our personalised approach has increased our hotel partners’ revenue and occupancy over the years and in different markets.

2019 – 2022

This is a 20-room hotel in a small village managed by a Chef with no time to focus on the profitability of the rooms. RegiÔtels partnered with this property in June 2018 and has collaborated since. There was no channel manager and the contracting was focused mainly on the kitchen with board. The role of RegiÔtels was to focus on the profitability of room sales while maintaining an occupancy that was manageable with the limited staff available to the hotel. The hotelier did not have the time to put in place or manage the technology to optimise his property, there was no channel manager or booking engine. By moving away from tour operator contracting and focusing on direct online business, not only was the average rate increased but also the overall room revenue increased significantly compared to pre-Covid with a reduction in costs given that the commission levels dropped to the tour operators.

Technology in place prior to signing with RegiÔtels:


No channel manager


No booking engine


No optimised website

(RegiÔtels put in place all of the above.)

Results 2022 vs. 2019:

Percent increase in room revenue

Percent increase in average rate

Percent decrease in occupancy

Average Monthly fee on commission-based model throughout collaboration: €1,050

Case Study 2

2018 – 2022

This 12-room property is located in the countryside of Luxembourg, has no neighbours and partnered with RegiÔtels in October 2017. One of the first hotels to collaborate with RegiÔtels, it underlines the benefits of collaboration very clearly while approaching the six-year anniversary. The hotelier wanted support and expertise without losing control. The goal of RegiÔtels for the property was focused on driving both average rate and length of stay to fit more in line with the lifestyle of the couple managing the property and enable more focus on the kitchen and a better overall experience for guests. By reducing the occupancy and increasing the revenue, RegiÔtels was able to assist in generating better returns for the owners with less work on their side – fewer guests to greet and look after, fewer beds to make. With the market accepting the shift in targeted clientele, the focus for 2023 and beyond will be on maintaining the profitability of room sales.

Technology in place prior to signing with RegiÔtels:


No channel manager


No booking engine


No optimised website

(RegiÔtels put in place all of the above.)

Results 2022 vs. 2018:

Percent increase in room revenue

Percent increase in average rate

Percent decrease in occupancy

Average fixed-rate monthly fee throughout duration of collaboration: €1,700

Case Study 3

2019 – 2022

This 22-room property located in a town partnered with RegiÔtels in August 2019. Here the focus was more to have visitors making use of the restaurant while maintaining the occupancy. RegiÔtels was brought in to reduce the length of stay to ensure a greater take-up of the gastronomic offering. There was a channel manager and booking engine in place prior to the partnership. Maintaining the occupancy while increasing the average rate has a direct impact on the revenue per available room, a key metric and assures a greater profitability for the proprietors. This property has just signed another two-year contract and their on-the books situation is more impressive already for 2023 than at the same time in 2022 (their best ever year in over twenty years of operation).

Technology in place prior to signing with RegiÔtels:


Channel manager


Booking engine


New website

Results 2022 vs. 2019:

Percent increase in room revenue

Percent increase in average rate

Percent decrease in occupancy

Average monthly fee on commission-based model throughout collaboration: €1,250

Case Study 4

2019 – 2022

This 31-room property located in the German countryside partnered with RegiÔtels in February 2019 because they wanted to sell their property and retire having managed the property for multiple generations – having support to drive up the figures at the end of the time would have a positive impact on the selling price. The property already had a channel manager and booking engine as well as a modern and up to date website. With the arrival of Covid, the focus was on getting 2022’s results in line with those of 2019, but given the success, now the focus is on seeing out the next five years and using the additional income to renovate the property, bring it up to a more contemporary offering and focus on driving an even better sale price while benefitting from increased profitability and less work in the meantime. The hotel is staffed by the parents and the daughter and seek a variety of approaches for which RegiÔtels is expertly positioned to guide and adapt with.

Technology in place prior to signing with RegiÔtels:


Channel manager


Booking engine


No optimised website

(RegiÔtels was responsible for a new website.)

Results 2022 vs. 2019:

Percent increase in room revenue

Percent increase in average rate

Percent decrease in occupancy

Average monthly fee on commission-based model throughout collaboration: €1,410

Case Study 5

2019 – 2022

This 14-room property located in a town in Belgium is managed by the owner and there is just one other staff member to assist with the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces. Having partnered with RegiÔtels in September 2019, the goal was to increase revenues and most importantly length of stay to ensure an easier time with cleaning. There was a channel manager and booking engine already in place prior to the partnership commencing.

Technology in place prior to signing with RegiÔtels:


Channel manager


Booking engine


No optimised website

(RegiÔtels was responsible for a new website.)

Results 2022 vs. 2019:

Percent increase in room revenue

Percent increase in average rate

Percent decrease in occupancy

Average fixed-rate montly fee throughout duration of collaboration: €920

Case Study 6

2020 – 2022

This 16-room hotel is a restaurant with rooms as opposed to a hotel with a restaurant. The proprietor did not have the time to manage their room inventory, focusing on the restaurant and wanting that to be the focus of RegiÔtels. The proprietor is responsible for a regional collection of unaffiliated hotels with a similar set-up to their own. Limited staffing, focus on the kitchen and a lack of time to focus on the details resulted in partnering with RegiÔtels in October 2020. In 2022, the hotel recommended RegiÔtels to the affiliate hotels and assisted in an additional five other properties coming onboard such was the support provided and enthusiasm for our partnership.

Technology in place prior to signing with RegiÔtels:


Channel manager


Booking engine


Optimised website

Results 2022 vs. 2020:

Percent increase in room revenue

Percent increase in average rate

Percent decrease in occupancy

Average monthly fee on commission-based model throughout collaboration: €1,010